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Cari (Roller) Panitzke
Stephanie dearest, this memory comes from our youth when Aaron, Ramona? and maybe one other friend and I were in my bedroom with the door closed and you were in your bedroom with your door closed and we could still hear you snoring! So we proceeded to build a pile of pillows on top of your head, allowing a space for breathing, of course, and we built such a huge pile of pillow on top of you, took pictures, which I will find one day when I return home, and you never woke up. Finally we had compassion for you and let you snore in private. Now you sleep eternally, and I found some of those pillows in your storage trailer and I will gladly display them for our own memories. Your "Stephanie" pillows (individual letter pillows that spelled out her name) were so very cool. I was always jealous I didn't have any and now all I want is you back. This is one of many memories I will hold dear forever.
Annette Boyer

My all-time favorite Stephanie story is from five years ago.  I got a call from her one day asking if I could pick Ellie and Jack up from day care. 


"Sure, do you have to work late or something?" I asked


"No," she said, "I just went into labor, and Dale's on assignment out of town." 


No fuss, no milking the confinement to get a good night's sleep, even.   Nor did she lose her equanimity after giving birth. When I brought the older kids to the clinic to pick her up the next day, she took one look at my disasterous attempts to wash the ice cream out of Jack's hair after a particularly ill-fated trip to Dairy Queen and burst out laughing. 


To me, that was Steph in a nutshell - no reason to make a fuss about things that can't be helped.  On the flip side, she pursued her passions with joyous abandon and shared them with unstinting generosity.  My own mother gave up on my capacity to learn to dance shortly after my first recital at age six.  Stephanie never gave up, insisting that my innate stiffness would be perfect for a box step.   


There is no question that Stephanie died too soon.  Young as she was, though, she had already achieved what we all aspire to - she made a difference in people's lives.

Laura Pearson
Stephanie and the Hot Box girls - "Guys and Dolls"
Amy Wendler Siegfried
I have known Steph since we were young girls.  We had many adventures together in Girl Scouts.  We spent a lot of time in the park at camps and crossovers.  I remember that Connie, Steph and I were not your typical girls.  The bugs, snakes and other critters didn't bother us. Boy, she would laugh if she saw me freak over a snake now while camping!  I also have many fond memories at the Roller farm.  Sleepovers and just hanging out.  When you went to the Roller farm, you were not there as Steph's friend only, but as one of the family.  They had such a bond!  Sure, there was the occasional "leave me and my friends alone!", but usually all of us hung out together.  Fun! Fun! Fun!  I also remember Steph was the peace keeper when the girlfriends were having their little silly spats.  Her heart was always bigger than she was!  Steph was such a giver and she will continue to give from above!  Our angel will spread her wings now with more ease over all areas she dreamed about and never got to touch before!  We love you Steph and will keep you alive in our hearts forever!
Aaron Roller
Stephanie, Remember when we were living together in Irvine and the Northridge earthquake hit? Apparently you burst into my room and I just slept through the whole ordeal. I woke up the next morning and one of your friends was on the couch watching the news. I saw the massive destruction on the TV and asked where it happened. Sure wish I could sleep that well this week:) You ran into my room not for your protection, but for mine. I know this because you never woke me up and knew I was better off sleeping through the shaking and aftermath. Even your friend found protection in your presence and finished the night on the couch. You were the type of person always thinking about others over yourself. We were always a great match because I'm always looking for people that are thinking about me;) I know you will continue to take care of me. Thanks for always being there when I needed you. Aaron
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