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Tim Ross

I have so many memories of Steph, where to begin. I mostly remember seeing her almost every day in high school as my locker was right next to hers - Roller, Ross, ...We had classes together, activities, the German trip. I broke out the yearbooks and photo albums, such a great time of life. I hadn't kept touch with her after school, but years later we reconnected while I was driving thru Colorado. It was like we had just been on summer vacation, so many shared stories and laughs, we started up right where we left off...

As you can see from the many postings on this site, Steph was a positive light for everyone who knew her, even just a little bit. I can honestly say she is one of the most upbeat, fun people I ever met. A truly sad event for everyone, especially her family. She will definitely be missed.

Debbie Colmenares
One summer I lived with Cari and Steph in Mankato. Steph got me a job with her working the night shift at a factory, packing medicine for farm animals. We had a bit of a commute. So she decided she would teach me how to drive a stick shift!! She was so patient as I tried to figure out how to start out ....on a hill!!! I remembering laughing a lot!!!
Lotte Shoar Cosca
I had the pleasure of meeting Stephanie when she rushed Gamma Phi at UC Irvine - and so began our friendship of 20 years.   We enjoyed college life together, she joined my family for Thanksgiving and Christmas celebrations, and she stood with me when I was married - we shared so many wonderful 'life-moments' together.  The most treasured memory is three years ago when our children were able to meet each other.  We met in San Francisco to watch the performance of the Blue Angels.  We sat in a park overlooking the bay as the kids played together while watching the jets and eating ice cream.  It was an amazing experience but unfortunately the last time I was able to hug Stephanie.  She is a forever friend - one that will live in my heart and home.  Thank you Stephanie for enriching my life. 
Lisa Ehlers

Steph, I always enjoyed your laugh and your smile.  You had a wonderful sense of adventure that mixed well with your equal sense of logic.  One memory that sticks with me is me being pregnant with my daughter at the same time you were pregnant with Ellie.  We would get together often and you always had a wonderful way of calming my fears and anxiety.  Even though we were both having our first babies, you were a natural at motherhood and I always admired that.  I'm wishing you peace.

Zulema Palomino

Steph, I recall you being in every dance lesson I signed up for.  One time you were teaching and we ended up dancing salsa even though that was not part of your lesson, we had a great time.  The memory I will always cherish is losing all that weight while attending Weight Watchers with you and teaching Zumba together. 

Your passion for dance was beautiful to see. 

I will miss you, chica

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