This picture was taken when Alethea was almost two months. She was sleeping or at least happy with her eyes closed so it was the perfect time to get the first picture of all six of you. I had you Stephanie on the right side of the back stool. You fell and started to cry and I quickly picked you up and gave you the hurry up and quit crying and smile comfort. I wanted to get that picture while the getting was good. The tears somewhat show in your eyes and you are biting your lips but overall it is a good picture. As an adult you told me that you fell on purpose. You wanted to be placed by Alethea and I must have granted that wish to help you to stop crying. I was so surprised that you had that ability of light deceit in you and said that at the time you shared. Of course we had to chuckle about how you managed to get your wish even if it took pain

I love this picture, you are all so cute. I had similar outfits on you three girls. Since you were each a year apart, it was fun to occasionally do that, not identical, just similar. I was able to order those outfits from JC Penney in three different colors. I also really liked the outfits so it was a win win and they were your dress up outfits until they started getting stained. Cari looks like the little pixie I always thought her to be. And those fat little cheeks on Aaron and his curly hair just beg everybody to hug him. Ramona looks so happy and Chris looks a bit shy. I loved being mom to all of you but mostly I saw you as little people whom I had the privilege to get to live with and know for x number of years. I will get to know you in a special way now and I continue to have the others to share the physical life. I love all of you.<3